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Are you a Kinesiologist?

Are you looking for the best emotional clearing and healing system ever? Here it is!

You will pick this process and system up very quickly and scratch your head wondering why other Kinesiology processes

leave you wanting or leave your client confused or not ‘getting it’. You end up feeling like you have to do all the work!

Is your emotional healing and counselling an easy flow, full of “ah-ha” moments and epiphanies? With Tools4Life, your clients go “oh, so that’s why I feel this way, why I react this way, and yes, this is exactly what I need to feel and focus on, to make the breakthrough, heal or change.


This Tools4Life system is the structure of Emotion! It is very rational. It guides you to positive outcomes and options every time. It ensures you stay earthy, grounded and rational, focusing on:

  • 6 key main life areas,

  • the 5 groups of emotions (in-line with the Chinese five-element wheel)

  • ‘best fit’ positive option emotions to make the switch from negative

  • blocks to be aware of

  • positive values to live by

  • toxic behaviours to avoid


If you are a Kinesiologist and you don’t know Tools4Life, you are not up with the best emotional healing system on the planet! It is fully in-line with psychology and CBT, it fits with all mind-sets, philosophies and spiritual beliefs. Tools4Life puts a structure to anything you will learn or read of any value in the world of self-help psychology.

If a client came to you and said “I don’t love myself” or “we don’t like each other in our relationship anymore”, or “I don’t value myself, nor do I feel anyone else values me”, could you heal/help them in a way that they feel like they know exactly where they are, what to do and what to focus on? Could you show them what the steps and structure to loving yourself are? If I spoke to them the next day or week, could they bullet point what to be aware of, and what to focus on with a check list?

Sounds a bit too good to be true, doesn’t it? The Tools4Life system does just that and so much more.  

Do you want to learn Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is taught by so many people in so many ways, and much of it is complicated and difficult to learn or explain. Tools4Life Kinesiology makes it kin-easy-ology!

First, we learn the Tools4Life system in a very logical and rational way, the same way a psychologist would use it.  The system is grounded in life areas that need improvement for mental and emotional health, resilience and healing. Then we go to the next level and add kin-easy-ology to the process and it’s a game changer!

When you add kinesiology to the system, it becomes an ‘a-maze-in’ experience! First, we got rational and discovered

our intuition helping out, and now we add Kinesiology which is the structure (or ‘joy-stick’) of intuition.


You get very specific answers! So often clients say “that’s amazing!”, and it is because Tools4Life is a maze into your body, mind, heart and soul. It’s almost a magical experience where you literally ‘tap-in’ and talk to your body, finding out what it wants to say:

  • Which emotions are stuck in the body wanting healing, reflection and realisation?

  • Which areas of life are the priority to work on, and why?

  • Which blocks are holding you back?

  • Which ‘original times’, or events from the past, are still having an effect on, or impacting your life now? “Am I really over the effects of that past incident, accident or trauma?”

With kinesiology, we can also ‘tap-in’ to the Spirit world, or our ‘higher-self’, or to put it another way, that part of our mind that scientists say we only use 5 to 10% of.  

If you feel you have ‘a healer’ inside of you, Tools4Life will help you become one.

Kinesiology and the Tools4Life system is a structured way to be a healing ‘channel’ in a grounded, practical, authentic, emotionally validating and very specific way.

Do you often seek answers of a philosophical or spiritual kind? Things like, “What is my purpose?”, “What is the lesson here?”, “Why am I attracting this into my life?” or “What do I need to do?”

Learning kinesiology with Tools4Life, is a game changer in relationships, in healing and helping others, but most importantly on your own personal soul journey.

Each morning you can ask:

  • “Spirit, what do I need to know today?”

  • “What emotion do you want me to focus on?”

  • “Body, what do you want me to focus on feeling so I can heal or be my best self today?”

  • “Who is affecting my energy that I’m not consciously aware of, and why?”

  • “What lesson do I need to learn from this pain, problem, trouble or experience?”

What questions would you ask if you had the ‘Conscious Connection’ tools?

About your kids? Your partner? Why a pain or problem doesn’t go away?

As a healer or therapist, you can use kinesiology and the Tools4Life system to help others on their emotional healing journey, giving them fresh and very accurate insights about their life and current situations.


As a parent you can use the system to have conscious conversations with your child, and help them with behavioural issues and becoming more emotionally aware, intelligent and resilient. The process guides and assists them to express, realise and take responsibility for how they feel in any given situation. It teaches children and parents to have a positively guided conversation that validates everyone’s perspectives. The end result is an expression that ends in heart-felt connection and understanding.

Come to a Kin-easy-ology workshop

  • Meet like-minded people, make new friends! The friendships, bonds and connections made, often last a lifetime.

  • Learn a very helpful tool that you will use to feel and be at your best. You will feel focused, conscious and more on-track in life.

  • Become your own life-coach.

  • Improve relationships and connection.

  • Breakthrough emotional blocks.

  • Overcome mental health issues like depression and anxiety.

  • Learn how to express, discuss or speak up about touchy or difficult subjects.    

  • The workshop is a very safe space to heal, let go and release. Many times, wonderful healing breakthroughs and epiphanies are had.

  • In these workshops, we take our time setting goals and intentions over all of the major life areas. We add ‘Emotional Drivers’ to them as well and check to see if any blocks will likely arise as we move toward achieving them.

You leave the workshop with new skills, a very helpful system to use at home, and a great feeling of clarity in all areas of life. Just like knowing all the areas of your house and yard; “I know what’s going on in my kitchen, the laundry, the guest bedroom needs this…, I’m doing that to the garden, the bathroom has this going on…” etc. Are you this clear in all areas of your life? What are the major life areas? It’s all laid out very simply on the chart!


This is not a quick-fix, some areas might take work and more processes as time goes on, and some may well be in motion. Mostly, you feel very clear, positive and aware about where you are and where you want and need to go. Without this clarity of focus, we often wander aimlessly and fall victim to life, and become the emotions that arise.

This is the structure and process to personal empowerment, self and emotional control, emotional fitness and resilience, liking, loving and valuing yourself, and having a confident and healthy self-esteem.

My biggest invitation is to people who are a little bit shy, withdrawn, have social anxiety, find it hard to speak up and those who hide or isolate themselves. Also, empaths who finds it hard socialising around other people’s energy. If this sounds like you, know that other good people just like you will be there, and you will quickly feel relaxed, open and safe. This is a safe space with a tribe of very helpful people who really do care. So don’t feel pressured, you can slowly and safely learn to open up and come out of your shell around us. 

No experience necessary. You’re most welcome to bring a friend, teen or partner for half price.

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